Confidential Crime Tip Leave this field empty The people that know the most about a neighborhood are its residents. Crimes are solved every day because concerned citizens notify the Sheriff's Office about illegal activity. You may have information that will help the Haralson County Sheriff solve a crime, save a person’s life or simply make our county a safer and more enjoyable place to live. Get involved. Take the time to fill out and submit this form so we can address the problems in your area. IMPORTANT! If a crime or other suspicious activity is happening right now CALL 911 DO NOT USE THIS FORM! Crime Tip forms are checked Monday-Friday Provide NO identifying information about yourself if you wish to remain anonymous! 1. Where is the problem activity? Street Apartment or Lot Number Apartment Complex 2. What type of location is this? Inside Business Inside Private Residence Alley or Driveway Hallway/Corridor Park/Wooded Area Sidewalk/Street Corner Vacant Lot Vehicle Garage Other, Please describe 3. Please describe the activity. 4. When does the activity usually occur? Morning Afternoon Evening Overnight 5. Do you know specific days or times the activity usually occurs? 6. Please tell us about the individual involved. Name: Nickname: Age: Race: Sex: Phone Number: Pager Number: Address: Physical Description (height, weight, hair color etc.): Gang Member: Yes No Unknown Which Gang: 7. Please tell us about the vehicle this person uses. Make: Model: Year: Color: Plate Number: Unique Features: 8. Is there any other information you believe would be helpful to our deputies? 9. If you want a member of the Haralson County Sheriff to contact you please include your contact information on the lines below. If you wish to remain anonymous, do not complete this information. Name: Address: Work Phone: Home Phone: E-mail: